I finally got my hands on the titty&co 2012 spring collection as well as the Million Carats and Par Avion's new collection! #Happy~!
I am completely in LOVE titty&co, and Par Avion's new designs for this spring!!
Must. have. (@__@ pq ) !
Anyhow, I thought that I would share this with you guys, so enjoy! lol

I think her voice is really amazing! I was totally taken by surprise when I first heard her voice as I was kind of afraid that it would sound somewhat similar to like Tsubasa's first debut single (the music genre is totally different, but when I first heard Tsubasa's voice it still didn't really get to me. Her music video made it bearable, though)
Wow, I'm really impressed by Nana's voice! I didn't expect her to be such a good singer haha^^