Due to the way we are living our daily lives has changed,
we often tend to forget about treasuring our mornings.
If I asked you about what you do every morning before getting to school or work,
I bet your answer would be something like;
"I just woke up, went to take a shower, get dressed,
ate breakfast and then I went to work/school."
I personally have always had a love/hate relationship to mornings.
It has always been that sour time of the day, when your alarm clock goes off, interrupting a nice dream, and you just wanna lay under your soft and warm duvet for another hour or two before even considering getting up.
The thought of going to school or work just seems so distant sometimes. щ(ಥДಥщ)
Mornings can also end up being painfully stressful. Mostly due to lack of planning, you just have way too many things to deal with on such little time before going out.
Sadly, because of our busy schedules on workdays, we forget that there is actually a way to make mornings more stress-free and joyful.(◡‿◡✿)

These tips is all something that I have been doing for some time, and it has worked wonders.
I feel so up-to-beat as well as refreshed and relaxed when coming to school,
and I generally just have a lot more energy than before.ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) hurh hurh
So I really hope to be able to inspire some of you to try this out or just thinking about how to enjoy your mornings a little bit more, and hopefully it can help you live life more stress-free~(ღ˘◡˘ღ) ♫

BONUS PHOTOS from the photoshoot:
So yeah, I really hoped you like this post

As you may have noticed 盛れてるLifeStyle will be a new segment on the blog!
It will be about everything regarding lifestyle, from interior design to themes like this post

This post is called
- 盛れてるLifeStyle -
Recipe 01:
Morning Routine
and is the first out of three.The next one will be focusing on day-time and the last will be about the night-time routines.

Please leave a comment below,
I'd love to know what your morning routine is like and
if you also have any relating tips or tricks for a stress-free day that you use~?

As always, thank you guys so much for taking your time to read ,
it means so much to me~!

A thousand of kisses and hugs to you all
