Candy is a new Japanese blogging platform, that has become extremely popular within the Japanese fashion models, celebrities and actors at the moment

Needless to say, I was so excited when Ameba launched it! There are so many things you can do!
It is an easy-to-use app, where you can personalize and maintain your own blog as well as socialize with other bloggers!

To me, it takes blogging to a whole other level,
so I couldn't wait to share this with you all~!

So this is kind of an introduction to the app, what it is,
how it is different and some thoughts about it.

^ Front page that comes up when you have downloaded the app to your smartphone
and registered your ameba-id ^
Ameba/アメーバブログ(アメブロ) is an online social network website, that is mainly known for hosting a huge amount of Japanese big celebrities', models' and actors' blogs.
Candy is a fusion with the Ameblo platform, which allows the candy-user to update blogposts on ameblo and on candy at the same time~!

You can easily gain access to your blog and the social forum night and day through the smartphone app.

This means you will easily be able to maintain both your Candy-blog and your ameblo without having to worry about anything.
Candy is designed for fashionistas, girl bloggers who likes cute and adorable things,
and for those who likes to share beautiful thoughts!

The whole platform layout is super cute, and it gives you so many opportunities to write some awesome blogposts.
In ameblo you can only view your blog's layout design if you are on the computer, but in Candy you will be able to view it on your smartphone too.

You can also choose to either costumize your own blog theme or get a pre-made one:
most of the pre-made themes has been designed by known brands such as AnkRouge, Cecil McBee, Murua, Co&Lu etc.!
Here's an example~
^ Choosing a pre-made theme ^
^ Making/Editing your own theme ^
You will also be able to use super cute emojis and dekome/デコメ (decoration message/mail)

so you will be able to update your blog as if you are writing a super cute mail to your friend!
Besides that, you can also share your recent purikura and fashion related pictures~

It has also become super easy to follow your favorite bloggers; you just simply have to push on the fan-button, "Fanになる"~

Since Candy got launched it has been well received and has become very popular with girls as well as young women from age 15-30, and also with the japanese (gyaru) models.
Recently Masuwaka Tsubasa has debuted as a Candy-blogger and so has Okarie, Kumikki, Mizukitty, and Manya, just to mention a few.
It is a blogging platform totally packed with awesomely cute and fun stuff, just waiting for you to try out!
So if you understand japanese, really want to try out something new, or maybe already have an ameblo,
I would definitely recommend you to try out Candy.
And best of all is, it is available for BOTH Android and iPhone!
You can download the app HERE
The only problem I have had with this app so far, is that it won't let me upload a profile picture...

I hope this is just some type of bug, and that it will be fixed soon.. 'cause the app is just way too adorable not to use.

But other than that,
it's super easy to navigate around, and the app is in half japanese and half english!
when you have completed your profile, the candy app will help you get started by taking you through 6 steps, and when you have completed them all, you will get something nice from them~

Sounds intriguing, right?

So what do you guys think about it? Yay/Nay?
If you have already started using it, what do you like the most about this app?
As always, thank you so much for reading! I hope you found it somewhat exciting xD haha
Oh, I am behind answering comments T___T, I'm so sorry about that.. I will get right to it today~.^u^
That is it for now guys~!

Love you all,