Yeah... sorry for the incredibly cheesy name of this tutorialヽ(;▽;)ノ #fail
I will just choose to believe that it is the autumn crazies kicking in~ XD ..........or else I might be screwed.. xD;;;;;;;;;; #sadface
I have caught an cold and was sooo sick yesterday. Well, I tried to do this tutorial anyway and it turned out... all right, but most of the full head shots, turned out horrible because my eyes were swollen, looked extremely tired and my nose so red D:
I seriously considered NOT making the tutorial, but luckily I found just ONE picture that was useful, (yes.. just 1... out of 18..... orz IIII )
and where I didn't look like a freaking shaky zombie about to pass out.. (=___=' )
.But now I've FINALLY finished making it!!! XD kkk~
So here you go~!♥
This look would be perfect with smokey pastel colors as well as brown, beige, redwine and terqouise colored clothes. (Basically, most of the colors which are pretty popular this season)♡꒰๑´• .̫ • `๑꒱
You can just right-click and save the picture to view it in original size (๑^u^๑)♥
UPDATE: Found some extremely stupid spelling mistakes,
so I have uploaded a better one.^^
Thank you so much for reading~!
I hope you found it somewhat useful or inspirational