Hi beauties!
This is just going to be a short, fast written post with no pictures
(I will be really thankful if you will read it anyway) since I'm busy preparing for my finals,
which will take place from next week
and continues throughout the month (o´>_<` opq) .. I haven't even had the time to answer all of your cute comments yet :( I will try to do that as fast as possible, so stay tuned!!
So as you might have guessed, I will not have time to do some serious blogging until the exams are over :( #Totally sucks!!
I will try to make some posts during the reading period, but I cannot promise anything from sure, though :/
Ahh.. I can't wait for it to be over already.. and it has not even started yet ^^;;;
It's probably the thought about the summer vacation being just around the corner and then have all the time in the world to do lots of blogging, which are making me have no patience at all!! XD haha
Anyway, I hope you will all have patience until my exams are over, and also.. I'm really thankful to all of you, that you find my blog interesting -it really keeps me wanting to do be more ambitious about my blogging and also makes me feel very blessed and grateful~. So Thank You all so much! And I hope you will continue to like my blog! :))
And that is also why...
Since I don't have time for serious blogging throughout the next month, I do have time for a little bit of random 'talking', so about a week ago, I made a FORMSPRING account!
I really love getting to know my readers better and I also hope that with formspring, you will get to know me better too. :)
On Formspring you can ask me anything from silly, curious questions, requests on posts, tutorial or reviews to any constructive critique/ideas of what you think will make my blog better!
I'm very open to anything, so don't be afraid to write/ask!
My formspring profile * HERE *
Just wanted to let you guys now, that I've also gotten Instagram now!
It's an easier way for me to get to do some small picture-updates, when I'm not able to blog! :D So you can either follow me on Instagram (@ littlemisscawaii) for the updates or my twitter (@sayamin_coco) (<- I've connected Instagram to update on there automatically.)
. . . Aaand the short post accidentally ended with being a looooooong post filled with horrible gramma and Text Only instead XD haha sorry for the torture, guys!! #ww I hope you didn't find it too boring, though XD;;
Anyway, I will see you soon, and to those of you who also have to do exams soon -Good luck to you all! I'm positive that it will turn out great!! :D