Yessss I got Lavender hair color now!! :D
..Is what I wanted to tell you;;;;;;
Anyhow, after my disasterous platinium-blonde episode at the hairdresser almost a year ago, and now this, I can just conclude that I am never going to bleach my hair. ever. orz so sad
Oh well, I put the lavender color in and VOILÁ! It turned out baby pink instead!1 x'D So I dyed it one more time, and it became a really pretty.. Pastel pink-lavender-ish color :'D;;;;;
(the pink/lavender color on these pictures appears stronger than it really is irl >_<)
... Be aware of creepy-looking selca's, ok! T___T

. . . All in all, I'm really glad I colored it!!
(Now I just need to get long wavy wallet will be suffering (o;___;o) )
'The Bunny Incident'
Oh yes, the 'bunny incident'. Trust me, the titel sounds much more interesting –and maybe a bit more sad– than it actually is..Now, you might wanna skip reading this if you're expecting some kind of amazing fairytale/story that will forever change your life XD
So, remember the last post I wrote? U'know, the part about writing the next friday to tell you all about something 'funny' and 'cute'?
Well, that didn't go exactly as I had planned

Ok~ so I was supposed to buy a freaking cute and snuggly little bunny.
I had waited to get a bunny for months. And the week up to, I was so excited I had trouble sleeping.
Anyway, I had told my neighbor about getting a bunny the day before.. (Now, he knew that I had brought my hamster into my apartment from day 1 moved in here (1 1/2 year ago).. -I live at a college-complex.. thing, so it is pretty hard NOT to know when somebody has a pet.)
then, THEN! ON THE SAME DAY that I was supposed to go pick up the bunny (I was actually only seconds from getting into the car), the landlord comes out and tells me "Hey, how're you doing? Listen, I gotta tell you somethin'... I'm so sorry, but having a bunny in the apartment is not allowed."
. . . Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
*Cries and hides in a corner*
Ok, I know it is just me, being disappointed with the fact that I didn't know we wasn't allowed to hold pets, but still...
I have had an freaking hamster in my apartment for a over a year (he past away this spring T^T he became 3 years though <3 font="font">, and I know that more than one person knew about this. 3>
So question one: Why in the mother effin' sweet potato pie, didn't my neighbor say anything to me about it, when he obviously knew about?
(... Everytime I see him, I seriously wanna ask him this.. But, obviously enough, he keeps avoiding me after that episode.)
I actually got so irritated, that every time I tried to write a blogpost about this 'bunny incident', I would just end up glaring evilly at the screen.

But I was looking over my contract (yes, I am that desperate to get a fluffy roomie, ok

So at the moment, I'm trying to get this so-called 'special permission' to get a pet!

Please wish me luck.....

. . . I actually think this is the longest blog-post I've made so far.
Sorry for all the blabbering, u guys

I actually realized I haven't done many of those rich-texted and personal update, so I thought it might be fun to squeeze some more personal blogposts in for the future, maybe??

lol anyhow, I just hope u didn't got too bored reading through all of this lame 'bunny incident' thing xD;;;
But as always, thank you guys so much for reading!!!