About one week ago I arrived to Tokyo, where I met up with my boyfriend and we took the airplane to Matsuyama/松山(愛媛県) and drove to his place ^0^わーぃ
My boyfriend could only get one week off from work, so because I wanted to enjoy this little time
I haven't seen him for a year
so I decided that I would start my blogging once he started working again. This way I would also have plenty of time only concentrating on my blog
Unil now I have been doing LOTS OF SHOPPING and eating at my all times favourite resturants ! 

I seriously went crazy at Donki/ドンキ -In order to save most money for this trip, I haven't really bought any good products ove the last 6 months, so I was almost in paradise when I arrived to the make-up corner at Donki xD
I decided to go with my candydoll products I normally use, but also bought the new base-collection (base, foundation, concealer, powder) which Tsubasa launched 2-3 months ago! I will make a shopping post tomorrow,
but today I want to focus on this summer's Gyaru trend
I know 4 of the shop assistants in the LizLisa Trio shop at エミフル (Matsuyama's biggest shopping mall). My boyfriend went to school with one of them (Kazumi), and introduced me to her 2 years ago, and then I automatically got to know the others too. we've been friends since then, but 3 of them (including Kazumi) doesn't work there anymore, so it's only Chiichan which I know, still works there. So I went to see her yesterday! And I was so touched when she asked for my address ;__; She's such an fascinating girl <3
LizLisa is doing a sale where you can buy two pieces for 9.850 yen. But you cannot buy two tops, two pants, two skirts or two dresses and get the discount. It has to be a set.
It is like buying a dress (which normally costs around 10000 yen) and then get the top for free, so I have bought two sets until now, and planning to buy some more~ 

When I was chit-chatting with Chiichan, she mentioned that this years summer-trend is
long dresses, high-waist skirts and high-waist pants and especially makishi-pants.
it's normally like a skirt, but LizLisa has made it into a onepiece w. pants, and became so popular that many other brands are starting to make them. It looks like this:
And it has to be put together with a short knit-lace or cotton top
you can find the short knit-tops in almost every clothing-shops, so it's not only a gyaru trend.
Here are some examples of the hot trend from Popteen mega
Popsister mega
I bought one of the makishi-pants from LizLiza. They have two types of makishi-pants in stores right now (more on their website); The one from the popteen mega, and the one I bought:
Details of the pants
I tried both, but the first one was the one I thought was prettiest to start with, but when I tried it on, it didn't really fit too well. It requires that you have big heels on -unless you're 180cm tall
Also, the elastics around the waist is set funny, so if you have boobs, you might end up looking extremely big. It will also NOT fit well with the short knit-blouse trend, because of where the elastic is set, so you can only mix it with a jeans jacket, open camisoles and vests or t-shirts
The other one, which was the one I bought, is a two-way(!)makishi It is so extremely cute and both my boyfriend and Chiichan agreed that it was the best-looking one
The two sides is made so you can look really girly-cute and the other one is more of western style which makes it so easu to mix with anything, and the elastic is under the breasts, so it really makes people see your body curves
I also bought a short knit-lace shirt to match with the makishi-pants♥
It is so extremely cute with the small ribbons on the sides, and I am deeply in love with how open they have made the back on the blouse with a simple ribbon~!
This is the back and details of the shirt (!!):
Besides that, Chiichan pointed out that with this trend, high heel wedges, sandals and lace-up shoes is a must(!), but of course everyone can use what they themselves thinks looks cute to it.
I personally use my lace-up shoes from ASOS in beige color and some old high heel ''boots'' in black (when I'm more in the 大人けど可愛い-mode/Grown-up, but cute-mode))
Here are only some few examples of wedges which 'belongs' to this trend. The colours should be brown, camel, white, beige or black. Too colourful shoes canmake the outfit look too much, so choose something simple, but cute. I'm a bit tired, so I only searched through LizLisa and Asos -sorry

This is it for today, guys! Hope you found something interesting (o^0^o)//
please look forward to tomorrow~~!