Hey you beautiful people~~!!!ヾ( 〃ω〃)ッ キャーーーッ♪
I can finally start blogging regularly again~! yay♡
SO MUCH has been happening since summer vacation that I have not had much time to write a decent entry on this blog for you. I am so sorry(。-人-。) ゴメンネ
If you just knew how many draft-posts I have stacked up that
I never got around to finish and post.. It is ridiculous! ヽ(;A;)ノ
I am also SO BEHIND with answering your lovely comments,
my Youtube video and circle lens reviews..
it sucks so much.. ’Д’lll)ハァ゛
*ahem* on another note,
Have you all been well?♡
I can't believe it is already autumn!!!
If you follow me on twitter or instagram, you might already no what it is,
but something huge has happened in my life!♡♡
I won't bore you with the details before the end of this post, though. mwahaha
First off,
I want to show you a new eyemake-look that I've made for Autumn.
It's the simplest look I have made with minimum use of eyeshadow.
It looks quite natural on photos, without actually being that natural.
Whatever sense that makes to you. haha
I tried to explain in a tutorial-ish way, what exactly has been done differently compared to other looks..
I am kind of wondering if I should make this to a video-tutorial?
Anywhoodeloo, I really hope you like it!
Close Up:
Pictures taken with phone:
(Be warned though, I took the pics with the front camera of my old phone, so the quality sucks)
'Going the Fashion-Way'
Yep, once again a weird titel due to the lack of imagination..
Or maybe it is because of too much imagination?
Either way, it still sounds weird. ww
My passion has always been for fashion & since about 7 years ago,
I wanted so bad to become a fashion director and designer.
Amazingly enough, I got offered this amazing opportunity at the end of my summer vacation.
I originally wanted to go to the Royal Design School of Copenhagen, but since it is really hard to get in, I thought I needed to learn more of the basics first.
So after my short summer vacation,
I decided to go visit the Fashion Design Academy here in Denmark to hear about their small courses.
But after a long talk, the principal suddenly commented that she thinks I have a huge talent for designing clothes and she would be extremely thrilled if I would want to become fully educated at their school.
I was SO MUCH IN SHOCK when I heard this.
First I was kinda like..
but inside I was totally going like..
..and then I just wanted to literally jump around like a constipated bunny due to too much excitement.. And this gif illustrates it so well,
After a few, looong, seconds of emotional spasm,
tears tried to push their way through, and I tried so hard to hold it in.
I have no words of how happy I was. I didn't say yes immediately though, because I had to think it through first and hear my parents opinion about it too.
So after a couple of days I said yes, and as of the 26th of August, I started my journey to become a fashion designer.
I would be lying, if I told you that it isn't hard at all, and totally easy-peasy. It can be extremely stressful.
Especially if you are as annoyingly big a perfectionist as I am..
I have definitely a new profound respect for the contestants in Project Runway.
We have so many important projects at once, that it can sometimes be tough to handle,
but luckily, I think that I am blessed with the greatest principal and teachers in the whole world.
They are SO helpful, and the principal keeps coming over to me saying that she's so proud and amazed of what I make.
Of course this sometimes puts a lot pressure on me,
'cause it makes me feel that I have to do more than "just" my best every day...?
Well, all-in-all,
I feel so grateful, thankful and blessed everyday that I am finally at a place in my life where I feel like I belong...
It is such a weird feeling going to the academy knowing, that what I have day-dreamt of doing for the past 7 years, is actually what I am doing RIGHT NOW.
It is such an huge thing for me, since I have always been wandering around, like a zombie, trying to figure out what the hell I want to do and where I belong.
So it really means a lot for me that I can share this with you all...!( ; ; )
So yeah..
That's what I have been up to so far; studying, eating and sleeping.
I really hope you all are doing great~!
And I can't wait to reply back to your comments
As always,
thank you so much for reading
*fingers crossed*
I hope to be able to blog again this upcoming week!!
Love you guys~